
Saturday, July 12, 2014

Full Moon In Capricorn...July 12, 2014...

(Artist:  Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)
Super Moon. A moniker tied to those full sightings of Luna when she is the closest to the Earth (the technical term being ‘perigee’). This also means that this Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn, is in direct opposition to the Sun in the sign of Cancer. ‘Balance’ is a major theme here. All Full Moons (and this type of Moon especially) are all about putting issues in bright focus whether you have been purposefully brushing them aside to deal with them later, or have forgotten about them. Professional and personal matters and wants need equilibrium, and this is a good time to work on restoring a balance.

The Capricorn (Earth element) Full Moon brings several key themes into the process: the practical versus the physical; your responsibility and integrity in conjunction with the personal and professional; everything as it relates to the long-term as Capricorn is a cardinal mode sign and carries a lot of spirited energy with it. Most have heard the old saying “where there’s a will, there’s a way”…with the abundant energy accompanying this Moon, if you apply yourself you have the potential to achieve or master anything. Patient Capricorn is all about logic…focus on your goal and put the work into it. Hard work can be rewarded with fruits of your labors.

This lunation holds a Grand Cross with the Capricorn Full Moon, Sun in Cancer, Arian South Node, Libran North Node, and Libran Mars. Don’t sweat this one as it’s low-key. There is only one reappearance here and it’s from Mars. There is nothing to really acknowledge as Mars is just passing through on its way to Ceres in Libra. If anything this Grand Cross might help to add some more clarity to issues that were over looked in April. Reinforcing the hard work angle is Saturn (Capricorn’s ruler) trine the Sun, and sextile the Moon. The Grand Cross makes sure all parties in any given issue are acknowledged and heard.
With Mars, Ceres, and North Node all in Libra, they can only help enhance Capricorn as they are both cardinal signs. This trifecta can also hang with the Capricorn-Cancer axis to make things cohesive. Libra’s qualities of fairness and working well with others will help bring out the best. The Arian South Node would like to isolate, but the North Node pulls it into the mix. Individuality has its place and that should be acknowledged, but try to find the strength in teamwork, especially if family is involved.

During this Full Moon cycle emotions could be extremely charged. Try your best to stay grounded, and allow the process to work the way it is intended to. There may be more than one issue pertaining to both physical parent(s), and the inner mother/father. Patience is key here with the potential emotional roller coaster. You are not only responsible for your physical well-being you are also responsible for your mental and emotional well-being. The issues that bubble up do so for a reason. Not only do they show themselves to make you aware of them, they can also provide insight and teach you important lessons. If an emotionally charged subject presents itself own it. Own the feelings. These lunar cycles help present issues that can help us adapt, heal, and even alter the path we take forward.
Jupiter in Cancer and Mercury in Gemini are getting ready to enter the next sign. A semi-sextile between them will bring a sense of closure. Something that has been hanging in the balance is about to come to an end. By the time of the next lunation Jupiter will be in Leo, as well as the New Moon, with Mercury in Cancer. Expect some charged issues to mellow.

(Artist: David Palladini)
Saturn is inconjunct Arian Uranus, and sextile Pluto in Capricorn. Don’t be surprised (or alarmed) if some issues from months past pop up again. Keep things real and all should be well.

There is a trine between Ceres-Mars in Libra and Venus in Gemini. This bodes very well for romance. It’s a good time to show the one you love how you feel.

You may have to make some tough choices, but with all of the constructive energy around the potential for weathering the storm is great. Keep your head up and don’t let emotions get the best of you. Moving forward may seem daunting at times, but rest assured that those moments shall pass. Be open to teamwork, and allow the collective to help you make some transitions. Express yourself and allow others to do the same.

Don't know the meaning of some of the terms in this post? This link will take you to a great online astrology dictionary:

The following excerpt is from the Farmer's Almanac:

  • The Full Buck Moon: July is normally the month when the new antlers of buck deer push out of their foreheads in coatings of velvety fur. It was also often called the Full Thunder Moon, for the reason that thunderstorms are most frequent during this time. Another name for this month's Moon was the Full Hay Moon.

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