
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Hallowmas Eve...2013...

Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. We are roughly an hour away from the 31st, the day that leads up to All Hallow's Eve. Costumes will be donned, candy will be handed out, and mischief making will be the order of business for some. This year will be my first in many years that will be spent working. My place of work welcomes its employees to dress for the occasion, but my jury is still out. I haven't had much time to prepare something to wear. This evening some possibilities started to circulate among my grey cells, so I may end up doing something in the spirit of Halloween after all. Stranger things have happened.

The yearly celebration of Samhain, marks the time of the third and final harvest. It also marks the start of the darker half of the year with the Winter Solstice and the start of the Oak King's rein soon to follow.

Samhain is when the thinning of the veils brings the realms of the living and the dead closer than any other time during the year. It is a time to celebrate ones ancestors, and if you're lucky enough, to have those ancestors contact you with information to aid you during the coming year.

Unfortunately, I have not lived in places over the last many years where 'trick or treating' was observed. I have missed seeing the costumed kids expressing their creativity. Normally I like to do some sort of decorating around my home for myself...I love Halloween, so why not? This year I decided to make a couple of things. Since I work in a craft store it seemed the thing to do. Nothing very elaborate, but I am satisfied with the outcome. A Halloween wreath that hangs on my front door, and a felt Jack O'Lantern pin. The pin might end up being the extent of my dressing up for work. Better something than nothing, I suppose.
I hope everyone has a happy and fun Halloween, with a spooky treat filled night. To all of my pagan/wiccan friends, wishing you a Happy New Year!

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