
Monday, March 11, 2013

New Moon In Pisces...March 11, 2013...

Monday, March 11th, at 3:53 EST, is the next New Moon. This month the Moon is in the mystical and energetic water sign of Pisces. This cycle is attuned to the vibrating energies of the cosmos. There is an abundance of peaceful and loving energy to be had, and boundaries are dropped allowing us to partake. That may sound a bit ‘hippy dippy’, but this lunation provides plenty of strong spiritual energy for healers and those possessed with talents of a creative nature. There is a Stellium at hand with the Moon, Sun, Chiron, Mars, Mercury retrograde, Neptune, and Venus all in the sign of Pisces. There is a peaceful ‘stillness’…a calm that should be taken advantage of. Allow yourself some time to just be in your own skin. The Pisces New Moon gives us the opportunity to open ourselves up to the universe and be of spiritual service to ourselves and others. Allow yourself to feel the positive energy/power radiating from the higher planes, and pass it on to those close to you. Be loving, and be compassionate. Embracing the human aspects of ourselves, as well as the spiritual aspects, aids us in getting in touch with our individuality…with our ‘self’. It also gives us a renewed perspective on the bigger picture of our life as a whole.

New Moons are typically times of new beginnings. However, this lunation is a bit different. We are looking at the end of one astrological year, and the start of a new one. There are twelve signs in the zodiac, Pisces being the last…the sign that marks the end of the zodiacal year. This ending puts great emphasis on the resolution of the old. Quite a few of the planets are positioned in Pisces, so it is advisable to make dealing with old issues the top item on your ‘To Do’ list.

As far as what other business some of the planets are up to, Mars is ready to move on to its next position…it doesn’t jive much with the mellower and more neutral Pisces. Mars is preparing to ascend and take up position with Aries, a sign that is more focused and more to Mars’ liking. On the other hand is Venus who is all about love, so this is a great time for new love/lovers to make some new moves in the direction of new love.

(Artist: David Paladini)
Jupiter in Gemini is square retrograde Mercury in Pisces, and conjunct Chiron. Tempers can flare here. Be prepared for disagreements around plans forgotten. Try your best to keep yourself in check, and stay away from finger pointing. There is great probability that any outbursts or rage fueled reactions will cause damage to important relationships. Also, Jupiter is still within orb of sextile Uranus in Aries. Mercury is getting ready to station direct on March 17th, which is going to make things a tad more complicated. There may be a tendency to not see the forest for the trees, so make an effort to not assume and let the facts present themselves. You know what they say about “what happens when you assume”…

This New Moon cycle will also see a repeat performance. A Yod with Jupiter in Gemini, and Saturn in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn as the base. The Yod will hit its peak strength during the next Full Moon in Libra. During the next couple of weeks or so try to keep your head on straight. Stay calm and centered, kicking impatience to the curb. Things will happen in their own time.

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