
Friday, September 14, 2012

New Moon In Virgo...September 15, 2012...

("Virgo",  Artist:  Yuhon)
September’s New Moon is in the sign of Virgo, and peaks on the 15th at 10:11 PM/EST. The Sun is also in Virgo, and is conjunct the New Moon. Mercury (Virgo’s ruling planet) is still transiting Virgo, which adds to the boost. The Virgo energy is strong, in abundance, and pure.

Virgo is an Earth sign, grounded in productivity and industriousness. Now is a great time to be constructive, and productive. Virgo is about organization in all aspects of your life. Change your perspective on those things that have seemed daunting, and renewed clarity will help get things moving again. If you have busy work and/or chores that have piled up, Virgo energy is about efficiency and effectiveness with attention to the details. It’s time for a housecleaning in terms of your inner self and your outer self (surroundings). Don’t let lethargy take over. Get moving. Take steps towards the practical, methodical, and efficient. Look at the different areas of your life and prioritize accordingly. Work on your health, and take a good look at your nutrition. Reorganize your home environment. Clean out that closet, or tackle that mound of papers on your desk. Do whatever needs doing. Also, make an effort to help others in any way you can. Be of service. Virgo digs that. Whatever you accomplish, be sure to take some time to check things over as you go along to make sure all of your ‘i’s are dotted, and your ‘t’s are crossed.

New Moons are about New Beginnings. However, it is advisable to make note of plans and ideas you want to pursue, so that you can move forward once some things shift a bit. Deal with what is here in the now.

Some quick things to mention:

Saturn is close to the end of its transit of Libra. Over the next few weeks, it’s going to make its exit, so if there are any outstanding relationship issues you have been putting off until the last minute, you might want to get on the stick.

Pluto in Capricorn will be going direct around September 17th. September 18th will see the activation of a square between Pluto, and Uranus. A key word here is ‘intense’. That doesn’t necessarily indicate anything bad. Just brace yourself around that time. Some things could shift/change at a moment’s notice, so be prepared to adjust and roll with it.

Soak up some of that Virgo energy, and apply it towards getting things done. You will feel and be better for it.

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