
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Autumnal Creativity...

(The sun rises over the marsh on an autumn morning...)

Autumn is here. Finally. The leaves have just barely started to turn, but the overall energy is there. After several months of  temperatures in the realm of 'swelter', the days have grown cooler. Last night was the first night in awhile that I slept under an open window. Cool breezes blew over me (which was glorious), and the sounds of the rustling trees stirred my dreams. Although it didn't last for the relatively normal duration of eight hours, my sleep was more restful than it has been. It seems that autumn is working her magic on me.

Tonight I am up later than I had planned, as I felt the need to be creative in some fashion. I had been going through some of my Fall photos, and decided to play with some of them. I utilized elements of nature to jazz things up a bit. Nature is filled with textures. This post features some of the fruits of my labor, autumn's vibe influencing them all.

(Pampas grass...)

(Toad Stools...this particular kind are known as 'Fairy Ring' mushrooms...they are poisonous)

(I love the variety of colors (from tan to bronze) that these trees show when they 'shed their skin'...I'm not 100% sure, but from what I was able to find, I believe these are Eucalyptus trees)

(The bright sun beaming down on the tidal creek...the tide was out, so the muddy creek bed was prominent...the brilliance of the sun's rays created a haze of sorts...I saw spots for a short time after this shot)

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