
Sunday, June 17, 2012

New Moon in Gemini...June 19, 2012...

("Gemini", Artist:  Soa Lee /

Tuesday, June 19th, is the next New Moon in the sign of Gemini.  It will peak at 11:03 AM/EST.  New Moons are times for new beginnings, but how you approach any new plans or projects is key.  For this next cycle, a logical approach is recommended.  You might encounter some difficulties, as well.  However, they don’t have the potential of being as hard to deal with as they have been. 

The Gemini Moon squares Mars in Virgo, and the connection spells ‘tension’.  Other aspects to the Moon will help slacken things a bit, but there could be some mental and emotional challenges on the horizon.  There is great potential for arguments.  Opposing views are a common source of tense energy, so it’s important to try to take the higher road and look at both sides of an issue.  Respect and flexibility are always advisable in situations, and they are doubly important through the next couple of weeks.  Gemini can fuel nervous energy, so be as direct as you can in expressing your side of things.  Kick confusion to the curb.  As Mars moves beyond retrograde, you’ll feel motivational energies gradually start to pick up again.

Saturn is getting ready to station direct on the 25th, so it’s at a virtual standstill.  It might be prudent to sit on things that are giving you difficulty, so you can take a fresh run at them in July.  Saturn in Libra Trines the New Moon, and Neptune in Pisces does, as well.  This is creating a sort of celestial energy crap shoot…while some will be able to show some fruits from their labors, others might be opening the proverbial can of worms.  Libran Saturn and Venus in Gemini, will both be direct, and Mercury will be moving into Leo.  If you can’t put something on hold, move forward with logic rather than emotion.  Stick to facts; act with respect; compromise if necessary.  (General rules we should always carry with us into any situation.)

Mercury in Cancer will be Sextile Mars in Virgo.  To help with communication issues, you might want to choose to exercise compassion.  Also, Mercury is making a rather tense connection to Saturn in Libra retrograde.  The mind can create unnecessary limitations for one’s self.  Past experiences can have a heavy hand in that.  Change things up, weed out those old nuggets of salient information, and move forward with the wisdom of past lessons to guide you.  View things from a fair and balanced perspective, and clarity of the situation will come.  Note that Mercury is blocked by a Square to Libran Saturn, another indication to steer clear of the emotional.  Even when bolstered by facts, an emotional approach will most likely meet with a cool reaction.

Jupiter in Gemini Squares Piscean Neptune.  This tells us it’s best not to do anything major.  Just as this cycle says to hold off on any new ventures that can wait, you might want to also hold off on making any major financial moves.  If feeling the need to make a purchase, really take a hard look at what is being offered.  Be sure that you’re getting what you’re paying for. 

("Gemini", Artist:  David Palladini)
Now that Jupiter is in Gemini, no planets will be in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio) until Mercury moves into Leo, July 25th (the same day as Saturn goes direct).  Then the only planets in Earth signs will be Pluto in Capricorn, and Mars in Virgo.  During this transitional period, caution is suggested.  Don’t promise anything you can’t back up, and approach things with humor.  Don’t take things too seriously.

Venus is still retrograde in Gemini, and is closely aligned with a Square between Uranus in Aries, and Pluto in Capricorn.  This is not a good time for starting any new/serious relationships, and it’s not advisable to force current relationships to move quicker. 

Gemini is about mental stimulation.  With this New Moon’s energy, start what you must, but hold off on anything else until at least the 27th.  Take the initiative started by the continuing energies of the solar eclipse to help resolve any past issues.  


  1. I love working with the moon phases! Thanks for sharing, and explaining the benefits in more detail. I prefer new moons to full moons, I tend to get over emotional when its full, but feel a lot more motivated when the moon is new.

    1. I completely relate to that...I have much the same reaction to the moon phases. Thank you for your comment! :)
