
Sunday, May 13, 2012

May Musings...

(Photo:  Lisa Erin Brown
It has been awhile since I last wrote about life in general.  Shared personal current events, or thoughts on a particular subject. I decided to change that.

Life here on the marsh is pretty mellow these days.  Now that Spring has been around for several weeks, the temperatures are much warmer, and the humidity is much thicker.  I have been in need of a walk, but over the last couple of weeks my Rheumatoid Arthritis has been attacking my knees, especially my right one.  I visited the doctor this past Wednesday, and he upped my meds.  Today my knee feels considerably better, but still 'off' enough that I'm treating it gently.  Now it's primarily my hands and wrists. They bother me just enough to be annoying.  It has been months (and months) since I was able to do any kind of drawing. My children's book is collecting dust bunnies. Typing has been proving to be doable, so the novel I have been simmering on can now start to pour out onto the page.  If I didn't engage in some form of creative productivity, I would probably wither up and blow away.  I keep hoping that my RA will decide to go into remission.  Knocking wood.

(Photos:  Lisa Erin Brown)
Saturday morning I ventured out for a coffee, and on the way home I swung past the vegetable stand.  It was fully stocked as I knew it would be.  It's again the time of year when fruit and veggies are plentiful.  The fresh from the farm produce they have at 'Davis' is so preferable to the shipped produce the grocer has.  Tomatoes blasted with gas so they will turn a brilliant red giving the illusion of ripeness, etc.  Does 'Davis' have the selection that Kroger's has? No, but during certain times of the year, my produce buying is predicated on quality and not quantity.  When I left 'Davis', I had a couple of Granny Smith apples, two lemons, a bag of green beans, and a bag of tiny red potatoes.  I love to saute green beans in olive oil, chopped garlic, and pulpy fresh lemon juice.  The potatoes I'll probably roast with olive oil, onions, and garlic.  I'll add some paprika, and salt/pepper, per usual.  I'm making myself hungry...

I have had so much on my mind these days.  Some of it serious, some of it simple.  I am about three months away from aging another year.  Feeling my age is not something I have had experience with.  Not on a mental/emotional level.  Physically is another story.  Some days I feel fine, but others? Those days I feel like an eighty year old woman.  It is so frustrating at times when I have something I want to do, but my body won't allow me to do it.  Creatively, I have had to put a lot on the back burner.  My hands, and the use thereof, are so important to me.  Drawing, painting, sewing...I am an artist that expresses herself in so many ways.  Thankfully, I have the outlet of photography.  It has kept me sane.  Over the past few days I have been lamenting the fact that too much time has passed where I wasn't able to create much of anything.  I have projects to start.  Ideas that show great promise. Writing my book.  Working on this blog has helped motivate me to do that.  So much of the story is already formed in my mind.

I have felt like Sisyphus, rolling the ball up the hill just to have it roll back down. Actually, I wouldn't get the ball all the way up every time before I had to jump out of the way.  I am just going to ignore the ball, and I think in time it will disappear.  Starting my book is the first step.

Knocking wood...

(Photo:  Lisa Erin Brown)

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