
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

New Moon in Aries & Astrological New Year...March 22, 2012...

Thursday, March 22nd, at 10:37 AM/EST, is the Aries New Moon.  Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, and this New Moon rings in the true beginning of the Astrological New year.

The Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Uranus are huddled in a Stellium under Aries. This is making a tension creating aspect, or wide square, with Pluto in Capricorn. We might feel the desire to be who we want to be.  Freedom is desired, but a number of road blocks are making it difficult to attain at the moment.  We might see people from our past who will bring old issues with them.  The issues are reappearing for us to deal with, and gain mastery over. Mars (Aries' ruler) is still retrograde in Virgo, Mercury is retrograde in Aries, and Saturn in Libra is inconjunct the New Moon.  Although this is a good time to move ahead with plans, and start new projects, be prepared for possible delays.  Have other options available just in case.  Saturn in Libra says to stay calm and be cooperative in matters pertaining to money.  Compromising may be in order.  Mars in Virgo is firm on the need for order.  Mercury retrograde Aries says to be sure to think before you speak, which is always a good bit of advice at all times of the year.

A semi-Sextile Neptune in Pisces, to retrograde Mercury, stresses caution. Not everything is at it seems, and doubly so here.   There is a potential to take some hits financially.  Don't let personal feelings get in the way of constructive and sensible decisions.  Keep dealings under the heading of "strictly business".

We still have the supportive energy of the Grand Trine of Mars in Virgo, Pluto in Capricorn, and Jupiter in Taurus.  An inconjunct from Mars in Virgo is attached to the New Moon.  This gives us the ability to tap into the Trine's energies. Finances come into play here, too.  Take extra care in problem solving in this area.  Being practical can make all the difference.  Again, there are more situations for delays in getting the ball rolling on projects related to finances, so get those back-up plans together.

The energies of this New Moon are full of creativity and new ideas.  Take your time, so that you can reap the benefits.  If you go plowing ahead, you most likely will fall on your face.  This time can be used as an exercise in patience. Seed planting for the long term is a good bet.  Don't repress yourself, and be strong and assertive.  Having a take charge attitude can transform things for the better before they have a chance to blow up in your face.

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