
Friday, February 10, 2012

Constitutional #1...

(Photo: Lisa Erin Brown ~ February, 2012)
Overcast and chilly.  Yesterday was just that.  It was the first day that I put my current personal vow into action.  Widening the scope of my walks.  I enjoy taking quick strolls about the condos, but as all of my walks involve photo taking, I have pretty much snapped a picture of every nook and cranny.  My walks needed to lengthen for that reason, and one other.  I need to get more physical activity.  My hyper-thyroid is extremely 'hyper' at the moment, so it has been taking various tolls on my physical health.  I enjoy walking, and it's good exercise.  Nuff said.

(Photo: Lisa Erin Brown ~ February, 2012
From the west side of the bridge.  There are quite a few small docks lining the twisted little waterway.)
I picked a small bridge around the corner from home base as my first destination.  I have crossed it a number of times, and have always wanted to add some photos from it to my 'Savannah' photo library.  The reason I hadn't up until yesterday was that it wasn't in a good place to stop the car to snap some pictures.  There isn't any type of turn-off.  My best bet was to walk there, so that's where I headed.  I put on a jacket and scarf, and headed out into the mid-50's air.

(Photo: Lisa Erin Brown ~ February, 2012
This photo and the one below are from the East side of the bridge.  I didn't see any docks other than the one below on that side.  Just a sea of marsh grass with the waterway twisting inland.)
I love an overcast sky, and the one yesterday was definitely cloud covered. The sun was able to pierce through anyway.  The feathery rays seemed to cause even more of a bright glare.  Even as I look at the photos I snapped I have to squint my eyes.

(Photo: Lisa Erin Brown ~ February, 2012)

(Photo: Lisa Erin Brown ~
February, 2012)
Walking back toward home, I thought about how nice it was to go for a walk and actually experience an abundance of trees and other flora.  I have lived in Savannah for roughly three years now, and I never tire of the nature here.  It's something that I pined for when I lived in Los Angeles.  I did walk there, but the experience was quite different.  Lots of concrete, asphalt, and buildings lining the street.  I was also treated to regularly wailing sirens, and the thump-thump of helicopter rotors.  I always describe that time as feeling like I lived in downtown Beirut.  Here I hear a siren once in awhile, and I hear helicopters in the evenings sometimes (there is a military base not far from here).  Other than that it's rather peaceful, and very green.  The polar opposite of L.A. really.

(Photo: Lisa Erin Brown ~
February, 2012)
I came across a Sweet Gum tree with branches that hung lower than the tree near the homestead.  This one (pictured) is also coated with Spanish Moss.  As I looked around I noticed that pretty much all of the various types of trees growing here had the epiphytic plant all over them.  Except for one...pine trees.  Apparently, Spanish Moss can be found on the more hard wood varieties of trees like Oaks, due to them being rich in minerals.  Pine trees are weak in that department, so the moss stays away.  (To read more about Spanish Moss, check out my other blog post.)

(Photo: Lisa Erin Brown ~ February, 2012)
So here it is approaching 6:00 AM on Friday morning.  I got back from my walk about twelve and a half hours ago, and I'm happy to say that my bones aren't aching as much as I thought they would be.  I'm thinking about where I want to walk to today.

It doesn't really matter where I go.  Any direction I travel will be worth it.


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