
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Bird Bath & Bird Song...

I visited the neglected bird bath today.  Photographing it's contents every few weeks has become a regular part of my picture taking routine.  I really like the images I get.  Light level, water level, amount of flotsam spotting the marred grey concrete's always different, changing with the seasons.  It has become a personal project of sorts.  Today there was more 'stuff' inside.  Flora detritus.  Today was quite sunny, but the bath stands in a shaded area near a run-off pipe at the top end of the tidal creek.  The light level was enough to make some reflections in the still water that was making a crescent around the inside of the bowl's rim.  I got several shots that I like.  

The visit to the bird bath was part of a walk I took today.  Not a long one, but long enough.  Getting out for even a few minutes makes quite the difference to a day.  One thing I observed...well, at the moment they are hard to miss...the birds, and the sound they make.  It's the time of migration for crowds of birds, and Savannah is a stop.  We were serenaded daily by cicadas not too long ago, and now it's birds.  Doesn't bother me in the least, on either count.  It just struck me how 'chatty' they are up there in the tree tops.  

"A bird does not sing because it has an answer.  It sings because it has a song." ~ Chinese Proverb

"My favorite weather is bird-chirping weather." ~ Terry Guillemets

I recorded the above few seconds of the mass chirping to give an idea, but I don't think it does the actual sound justice.  Between the sounds of the birds and the Hawks riding thermals, it feels like an aviary here on the marsh.  Before much longer the birds will be on their way, and their song will go with them.  I think I'll miss them...

Below are some of the photos I took at the bird bath...

(Photo:  Lisa Erin Brown)

(Photo:  Lisa Erin Brown)

(Photo:  Lisa Erin Brown)

(Photo:  Lisa Erin Brown)

(Photo:  Lisa Erin Brown)

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