
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A New Moon in Leo...Several Days Late...

This past Saturday (July 30, 2011) we had a New Moon in the sign of Leo at 2:40 PM/EST. New Moons always signify a new beginning. A fresh start. This is always good news to me. I am always up for approaching a new chapter with a new perspective. I am a Leo (my Birthday is July 27th), so this particular moon had me hopeful and curious. I had been feeling a sense of agitation over the last few weeks. Low volume, but there nonetheless. I was looking forward to seeing what this moon might give me to get me out of my slightly down period.

We Leo's have many fine attributes. We are very loyal, warmhearted, and generous. We are also very creative. Leos are Lions, and are dominant, independent, I am writing this, I am starting to get a bit introspective. This actually reads to this last New Moon in Leo. This is a time to look inwardly to become more in tune with our 'true self'. To focus on who we are and how we want to be seen by others. To be the best person possible. It calls to our individual creativity, and our expression of that element of ourselves. It's basically an 'up' time. BUT (there always seems to be one of those) there is also an under lying agitation that could crop up. Working on staying on the 'up' side is key to avoiding that.

I am all about working to be the most positive and caring person I can be. I am also all about my creative self, and being in this state of rejuvenation is right on time. I have a book that isn't going to write itself, and I need a huge dose of creative juices. In the coming weeks I will focus on what I need to do, and work on letting it flow. OH! But wait...that's not all for the next few weeks...

Tuesday (August 2, 2011) at 11:50 PM/EST, Mercury went retrograde. Yes, it's that time again. Usually when these retrograde deals are in effect, my life gets kind of...wonky. If you don't know what Retrograde means, it is when a planet gives a false sense of it moving in a backward motion. It's first position is when it appears to be standing still. Then it appears to move backwards through all of the signs, at which time it seems to once again stand still, and then shift back to forward motion when it goes back through the signs. Hmm...that's not a very complete explanation...let me explain it this way. Because of the Earth's rotation, the various heavenly bodies appear to move from east to west. All planets to seem to pass the Earth in this east to west fashion, but the planets farthest from us actually drift to the east in a much slower manner as is normal. Because Earth completes it's orbit at a faster pace, we do overtake those outer planets periodically. At the beginning of a retrograde cycle, the planet appears to stand still, then move west, stand still again, and move back to the east. A Mercury retrograde lasts about 22 days. Have fun for the next three weeks...

From what I have gleaned from my various reads on the subject, this retrograde cycle starts in the sign of Virgo, switching back to Leo on the 8th. Everyone says not to fear these cycles, but most are prone to. Just be wary. These are prime times for mistakes to happen. After all Mercury is the 'Trickster'. Just stay focused, and things should be fine. That's what I tell myself anyway...

That is all until the next Full Moon on August 13th...

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