
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Smoke On The Water...

Well, not so thick in the last day or two, but still a bit noticeable. Wild fires have been hitting the south. The first I noticed the change in our air quality was about a week or so ago. I was heading out to run an errand, and was immediately struck by how hazy it was. It was during the mid-morning hours and true it is not uncommon to encounter some mist in the air either due to encroaching rain or just plain old overcast humidity. This was different. I knew on sight that it was smoke. Having lived in Los Angeles, California, for roughly 18 years I have seen more than my share of smoke filled skies due to brush fires. I've even experienced snow fall in the form of ash. That was an odd sensation...driving through Santa Monica and having to utilize my windshield wipers to keep the windshield free of ash. No ash present in my current situation (thankfully). Just varying levels of smokey air.

The first day or two of our smokey skies was apparently due to fires in Florida. More recently, fires roughly 75 to 100 miles south of us have been burning away just this side (the Georgia side) of our border with Florida, a huge blaze in some swamp areas. In a previous post I mentioned the massive storm front we had plow through here a few nights ago. It grumbled, flashed, dumped some much needed rain, and blew over by morning. Was it welcome? Absolutely! Did it help extinguish the fires to the south? Unfortunately, no. The fires blaze on.

The marsh here always expresses a mood of one kind or another. The climate has been hot and muggy, the southern humidity making it's presence known as it always does in summer. This year there is a slight difference. The brilliant blue of the sky is up there, but it's only clearly seen upon higher scrutiny. The grey and amber haze of the wild fires has created a muted layer of lethargy that hugs the horizon line. However, this too shall pass.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that these fires will be extinguished before they spread.

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