
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Crabby Moon...

Friday (July 1st) is a New Moon in Cancer, with the added punch of a partial lunar eclipse. Cancer is ruled by the moon which gives this New moon cycle extra power, in addition to the energy added by the eclipse. Eclipses speed things up. Make things happen. They put things into a position where they demand your attention. So get ready...

I did my usual mass reading of info for the coming moon. Cancer delves into the feminine aspect of things. Sensitivity, protection, nurturing. It also involves dreams and imagination. 4th House themes are very strong...hearth, home, and family are in the forefront. It's important to shift your attentions to familial relationships and to restoring harmony where there is discord. Nurture others, but also look inwardly and focus on your personal needs. It's important to "learn to feed your soul, and honor your innermost feelings".
The majority of the zodiacal interpretations I read around the new and full moons have their subtle differences, but they were pretty unanimous on this forecast. The partial eclipse that is accompanying this moon is the third and final eclipse for the period that began at the beginning of June. The general consensus is that it is time to grasp this new moon/new beginning with both hands and get cracking on addressing the remaining issues discovered with the past two eclipses. It's time to put things into action, so we can put our ducks in a row and move forward with a fresh perspective. Look for the effects of this new moon cycle to hang around for awhile...up to six months. No specific timeline...I guess it depends on how long it takes for those issues that remain to get resolved.

Personally, I have some issues that I had almost closed the door on. Frustratingly enough, that door is being wrenched back open by someone completely unrelated to the original issues. Old buttons are being punched. Nothing a series of primal screams and several rounds with a heavy bag wouldn't cure...sigh...what to do, what to do...I think I'll hit up Ms. MacLaine for the more productive help of a Chakra meditation. All I know is that focusing my energies on myself to help me deal with and close the door on this insane making subject...well, it definitely sounds good to me.'s hoping it doesn't take the next six months... ;)

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