
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Basho & Osho...

In search of some 'online' relaxation, I visited YouTube for some soothing Osho music. Then the thought struck me to look up some of Basho's haiku work. I decided to spread some around...enjoy.

(To listen to the videos in this post, 
you can pause the music player at the bottom of the page.)

Lady butterfly
perfumes her wings by floating
Over the orchid

~ Matsuo Basho

"Two White Butterflies"
Artist: Vincent Van Gogh

Will we meet again
here at your flowering grave...
Two white butterflies?

~ Matsuo Basho

"Seishi" (Stillness)
Artist: Soniei

April's air stirs in
a butterfly
Floats and balances.

~ Matsuo Basho

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