
Friday, April 1, 2011

Thar She Blows...

It was a Buster Keaton kind of day here in Savannah. The wind was quite gusty. I usually don't mind a brisk breeze every now and again, but I had some errands to run and it proved to be a little chillier out there than I thought it would be. Basically, I didn't grab a jacket on the way out. Not a very good call...

There were a few errands to be run, my main destination being the produce stand around the corner from me. I'm starting to feel a tad spoiled that I have fresh fruit and veg nearby. During the colder months, the stand closed for a bit due to the bulk of what they sell being out of season. Now they are back every day except for Monday, and I'm a happy camper.

While living in Los Angeles, I did visit the occasional Farmer's Market. There were various set-ups all over town, but they occurred one day here, another day there...the ones close to me at that time weren't always 'do-able'. Now I have an honest to goodness stand...if you would call on open air cinder block building a "stand" buy my farm fresh produce. The goods and prices are far superior to the grocery store. Plus, it is really off-putting to read the articles I have about tomatoes being gassed so that they turn the more appealing red color we see in stores (no wonder those pretty fruits were always mealy when I would cut into them), or the fact that they spray apples with some unhealthy concoction to make them shiny. When I go to my stand, their wares look just as pretty by maturing the natural way. I also dig the element of feeling like I'm cutting out the middle man and buying from the farmer in a more direct manner. So much is being flown in from other countries these days. An act of insanity if you ask me. I have four words of advice: Support your local farmer.

I took my camera along. I've taken pictures in there before for other postings I've done. Pumpkins at Halloween. That kind of thing. Two factors kept me from taking more snaps this go round. First, there was the wind and the chill. Second...other shoppers were giving me odd looks. Normally, an odd look or two hasn't ever really stopped me from doing much in the past, but...

Since they deal in produce direct from the farm, they don't always have some of the same stuff when I go. Today they did. My boyfriend doesn't really do vegetables. Lima Beans and Brocolli. That's it. I, on the other hand, love veggies. My purchases are comprised of things I eat, so I only get what I will consume. This go round? Red potatoes (I'm a potato addict), scallions (they get monster scallions that look like leeks), green beans (I cook them in olive oil, garlic, and lemon-another addiction), and tangerines. To quote one of my favorite TV cooks and fellow Georgian, Alton Brown..."GOOD EATS"!

Will we have more wind tomorrow? Maybe. Haven't heard the reports yet. I do have a return visit to the stand scheduled. The gal there said that they might be getting some blueberries in. I have a Blueberry Coffee Cake Muffin recipe I've been dying to try. Hopefully they will get some in. One thing is for sure the event of more wind, I'll be sure to take a jacket.


  1. I also like going to the flea market on weekends the farmers bring all the veggies for so cheap@ Kellers...

  2. I'll have to check that out. I go to Davis Produce on the 80. It's small, but they have great stuff.
