
Tuesday, April 19, 2011


(Roman Goddess of the Moon, Luna)

To say that I am fond of the moon, well anyone who has looked at my blog knows that to be fact. Night is my favorite time of the day. There is an energy and mystery that pervades the dimness...the darkness. Once the sun starts it's descent and dips behind the horizon line, everything shifts. A sense of peace...of calm, falls over the world. Well, my section of it anyway. At the same time, I become alive. Night has always brought me motivational vibes.

The moon observes it all. Like a friend I can count on, it's always there. It might be obscured by clouds, or reaching a darker phase closer to the New Moon, but I know it's always a quiet and non-judgemental witness. This past weekend saw the most recent Full Moon in Libra. Balance. Calm. Things I regularly feel when night falls and the stresses of my day aren't as strong. This Libra Moon came at the right time. I've been experiencing quite a bit of stress at the moment, and it has been a true exercise in keeping my cool. I need all of the helpful energy I can get. Finding a balance is essential. Full Moon's signal the culmination of things. I hope to have my current frustrations ironed out by weeks end. Keeping my cool is the key.

The following pictures are over a couple of days including the Full Moon of Sunday.

(Saturday, April 16, 2011)

(Saturday, April 16, 2011)

(Sunday, April 17, 2011 ~ Full Moon in Libra)

The night of the Full Moon, there were some really interesting eerie cloud formations. They looked more like spider webs than clouds. Most of the pictures I took look to be of a painting rather than a real, natural scene. It was really beautiful.

(Sunday, April 17, 2011 ~ Full Moon in Libra)

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