
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 2nd...Celebrations & New Beginnings...

Wednesday is going to be a high 'energy' day!



Blessed Be & Merry Meet

Imbolc is celebrated in different ways in different cultures. It's origins go back to the Middle Ages when it was observed in Gaelic Ireland. It is a festival known as the Feast of St. Brigid, and relates to the beginning of Spring. It marks the halfway point (also known as a cross-quarter day) between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, and is celebrated on February 2nd in the Northern Hemisphere, and on August 1st in the Southern Hemisphere.

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Other cultures from days past, and in the present day have their own versions of the Imbolc celebration. There are some basic differences, but some of the other holidays names associated with this day are:
  • Christians: Candlemas
  • Romans: Lupercalia
  • Irish Gaelic: Oimelc
  • Eqyptians: The Feast of Nut
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( The Goddess Brighid ~ Celtic Goddess of fire and inspiration ~ also represents femininity, fertility, and love )

If you would like to read more details about Imbolc's history, Rituals and Ceremonies, etc., check out this link: All About Imbolc

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( The Wheel of the Year ~ shows the Pagan/Wiccan Sabbats, which are attuned to the cycles of nature ~ it is a modern concept, and is thought to have been created by Wiccans in the 1950's)

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Wednesday at 6:30 PM/PST, is when February's new moon will be at it's full cycle. For those of us in the northern latitudes, it is significant because our days are about to get longer.

New Moon's signify a new beginning. I'm completely down with that. A new and fresh approach to moving forward is nothing but a good thing!

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( Aquarius )

"New Moons signify rebirth, beginnings, a clean slate, the start of a new cycle. This new moon highlights Aquarius qualities (inventive, independent thinking, unconventional, humanitarian) and 11th house themes (friendships, group relations, relation to humanity as a whole). Aquarius is natively ruled by Uranus (radical change), who is in the last degrees of Pisces and linked up with Mercury (thought/communication) and Venus (relationships/finances). In Aquarius, the Moon is eccentric, unpredictable, fun, friendly, and a humanitarian without the emotional attachment.

This Aquarius-New Moon (blending of heart & soul between the Sun and Moon) occurs on February 2 and blends energies with Mars (action/motivation) and all three get friendly with Saturn-rx (reality/hard work). Elsewhere in the sky, in addition to the aforementioned Mercury-Uranus and Venus-Uranus links, Venus is also optimistically aligned with Neptune(hope/insight). This new moon phase is indeed an ideal period to break away from bad habits, old ways of thinking, toxic relationships and/or overall negativity in your life."

( From the site: )

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Mythology: Aquarius was known as the God of the Waters to the Egyptians, Greeks and others who experienced dry climates in their regions. In Greek mythology Aquarius is also identified as Ganymede who was carried off by Zeus disguised as an Eagle. He was carried off to Olympus to be the cup-bearer to the Olympian gods. According to ancient Sumerians, Aquarius was a wicked god who brought global floods.

History: Aquarius is one of the oldest constellations. As a water-carrier, his fame goes back to the Babylonian empire where his image was carved in stones. Vital information about Aquarius was always included in the ancient star catalogs of Ptolemy, Aratos of Soli, and Eudoxos of Knidos.

( 'Aquarius' by Boards of Canada )

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'Gong Xi Fa Cai'
( Wishing you prosperity in the coming New Year. )

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Happy Xin-Mao (Metal Rabbit) year! February 2nd is the New year's Eve, and the celebration will run until February 15th, the day of the Lantern Festival when celebrating will be at it's peak.

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Want to see what your Chinese Zodiac Horoscope Forecast has in store for you in The Year of the Rabbit, 2011? Find out by clicking here.

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( Plum Blossoms ~ a symbol of the New Year, they signify Courage & Hope )

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( Cai Shen, God of Prosperity & Profit )

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For more details of the Chinese Zodiac, and each 'Animals' significance, this is a great link:
The Chinese Zodiac

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