
Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Warren of Wabbits...

Spring is in full swing here on the Georgia coast. We have had our fair share of April Showers thus far, and I imagine we will see more before the season is over. 'Tis fine by me. Rain is one of my favorite things. We always need rain.

Spring shows the world...well, the world of the northern hemisphere...going through its yearly 'rebirth'. Things get greener. The color of various spring flowers get tossed into the mix. Azaleas, and Hydrangeas are big around the condos. A building across the way is fronted by some Cherry trees that are in full bloom. Yes, there is a lot of floral beauty around here.

Easter happened this past Sunday. I am more of a Spring Equinox gal, so the religious connotations of Easter Sunday are somewhat passed over by me. However, I do appreciate the symbolism of the rabbit.

The days have been getting warmer...and longer. Gaia is going through changes. A rebirth. Enter one of the chief representatives of the Spring, the rabbit. A symbol of the ancient fertility goddess, Ostara (which is also the pagan name for the celebration of the Spring Equinox), the rabbit symbolizes abundance, fertility, vulnerability, sentiment, desire, and new beginnings.

The Easter Bunny put me in mind of some rabbit oriented quotes, and images. Thought I would share some. They are not necessarily 'Easter' related, but do involve rabbits.

"I'm late / I'm late / For a very important date / No time to say "Hello, Goodbye". / I'm late, I'm late, I'm late."

~ The White Rabbit

"The other day when I was walking through the woods, 
I saw a rabbit standing in front of a candle 
making shadows of people on a tree."

~ Stephen Wright

"This is a fierce bad rabbit;
Look at his savage whiskers,
And his claws and his turned-up tail."

~ Beatrix Potter

"Why are you wearing that stupid bunny suit?"

~ Donnie Darko

"What is so real as the cry of a child?
A rabbit's cry may be wilder
But it has no soul."

~ Syliva Plath, "Ariel"

"R was a rabbit,
Who had a bad habit,
Of eating the flowers
In gardens and bowers,

Naughty fat rabbit!"

~ Edward Lear

Friday, April 18, 2014

A Pink Moon For Spring...

As is my custom, I went out on Wednesday night to take some pics of April’s Full Moon. There was quite a bit of cloud cover hanging over the marsh, so I wasn’t overly hopeful that I would be able to see it. Luckily, there were sketchy patches where Luna could punch through. The wispy and patchy clouds offered some great photo ops. Very moody images. There was a cool, but pleasant, breeze blowing off the dark expanse of mud and marsh grass. It was really nice. Soothing. Standing under the tall pine trees by the wide swath of seeding cattails that run along the marshes edge, I heard a rustling sound in the thick growth at the base of the cattails. It was most likely an opossum, or a raccoon. It’s quite dark over there, so I walked away, making some noise as I went to keep the critter(s) at a distance. I would later discover that I was being watched over from on high…

When I uploaded the shots to my computer, I noticed something interesting. The Moon finally appeared in her bright and full glory in one of the larger spaces in the clouds. The space was sort of almond shaped, and the Moon looked like the pupil of an eye peering down at me and the marsh. Tres cool.

This particular Moon is known as the “Pink Moon”. It is named for the wild ground Phlox, or herb moss pink, that is one of the earliest flowers to grow for the arrival of Spring. I noticed a number of posts on Facebook where it was being referred to as a “Blood Moon”. The Moon is said to turn a blood red color during a lunar eclipse, and with April’s Full Moon we did also have an Eclipse. Typically, it is October’s Moon that is the Blood Moon. So…what’s the deal?

The recent “label change” (for some) has biblical roots. The science sites I consulted don’t know specifically, but suspect it is based on a book by John Hagee, called “Four Blood Moons: Something Is About To Change”. It has to do with the end of days, or something to that effect. Actually, this Lunar Eclipse was the first of four consecutive Eclipses that are being called a “tetrad” (definition: a group or set of four). This tetrad consists of four Lunar Eclipses that will take place in 2014, and 2015, each one with six months separating them with no partial Eclipses between. The next “tetrad” won’t happen until 2032, and 2033.

Well, for me it was the Pink Moon. I’ll leave the Blood Moon to October where it belongs.

(To listen to this video, you will find the page's player at the bottom of the page...just click pause.)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Full Moon In Libra...April 15, 2014...

("Libra", by: Yuhon)

The Full Moon for the month of April is in the sign of Libra, at 3:44 AM/EST, and is accompanied by a Lunar Eclipse. The two in conjunction are energy packed, and symbolize very powerful culminations…endings, closure, taking out emotional, mental, and/or physical garbage.  With the extra boost in the air of bringing things to a head and purging them, it’s perfect timing as the big key theme for this lunation centers on relationships. Family, friends, business associates, significant others…no stone will be safe from being turned. I’m not meaning for that to sound cryptic…all revelations and realizations can lead to a purging of sorts. That’s not always a bad thing. Even when you think something good is being cast off with the negative, in the long run it will serve a purpose…and a beneficial one in many cases. You may experience some frustration and fear as the flotsam makes itself known, and that may lead to feelings of instability. All Full Moons are celestial spotlights casting light on things one may have pushed aside, or even things that were caught up and (as yet) unrevealed. Bearing witness to revealed habits and tendencies may not be easy, but bolstering oneself to take a good hard look is advised. Really take a look at the relationship related to these revelations. How do these things impact you and the relationship for good or bad? Take a good look at the foundation…just how stable is it? Libra is symbolized by the scales. When looking at the overall picture…when broaching the relationship issues…be fair about it. Those involved should have a say if they wish to have one. The balance can easily be turned on its head, so make the effort to do what you can to not upset things.

Change. Something many of us find hard to accept and put into action. As a result things can build up, festering for a long time. The energy from this Lunar Eclipse can precipitate change. It is nothing to be feared. Face and feel the emotions. Allow yourself that. Don’t over think things, as the fruits will present themselves when all is said and done. Over reaction can keep change from happening. Don’t let your emotions run away with you to the point of ignoring what is therapeutic to your mind, body, and soul.

Compounding the effects of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse is that they follow right behind Pluto in Capricorn’s shift into retrograde on the 14th. This can make emotions highly charged, maybe even to the point of grief. That grief can be over relationships past that haven’t been fully processed. Pluto’s influence can throw things off kilter. This is a great opportunity to purge things that have been weighing us down (whether we were aware of them or not…they will come up). Be prepared, for once one thing is revealed more can surely follow. Note that some things that reveal themselves may be lessons in themselves, showing you where you went wrong in the past. What can be changed to stop that from happening again? What can be transformed?

You may encounter disruptions. Some individuals may be more abrasive than usual. Don’t buy into the anger because it can easily trigger your own. Try to stay away from those looking for a fight. You might give them one, and they wouldn’t even be the true source of your ire. You are the only one who can control your part. Look for a positive in the situation…what happened, and how can you re-channel that energy?

One constant of each Full Moon is its opposition to the Sun (as the brightness of Luna’s face is the burning reflection of Sol). This lunation has the Libran Moon opposing the Arian Sun. The Sun in Aries is about individuality, while the Moon in Libra is about relationships…they may seem at odds, but they do want to work harmoniously. Libra brings strong influence to the ‘harmony party’. The ruling planets of Libra and Aries, Mars and Venus respectively, play an important role. Venus is supported by a conjunction with a Piscean Neptune, a sextile to Pluto in Capricorn, and a trine to Jupiter in Cancer. Exalted in Pisces, Venus is all about compassion. Things will work for the better if you focus on working with the other person on common ground rather than opposition. Venus will act as a buffer, which isn’t a bad thing. On the flip side, Mars is moving into position as part of a cardinal Grand Cross. Being in opposition to Uranus in Aries, and squared by Jupiter in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn, makes an otherwise ‘care free/plays well with others’ energy into ‘not a happy camper’ energy. The message here is do not sweat the small stuff. Pick your battles. Don’t nit-pick.

("Libra", by: David Paladini)
Ringed Saturn is in Scorpio, inconjunct the Arian Sun, and semi-sextile the Libran Moon. Saturn’s influence could talk certain situations off a ledge, and that’s a good thing as Mercury in Aries is conjunct Uranus opposing Libran Mars. There is great potential for the ‘shit to hit the fan’ (so to speak), and what starts as minor bickering could blow-up into all out verbal warfare. The combo of Mercury and Uranus will have no problem with playing any unpleasant cards turned by Pluto in Capricorn. Sure footed relationships that stand firm and are based on honesty should weather the storm. Those trying to balance on a rocky surface could see their end…and for good. Cardinal signs (Aries and Libra) make choosing sides easier. Don’t be surprised if a stress filled situation is amplified by the sting of harsh comments from family members.

Through this lunation be sure to widen your scope. Don’t let Aries rein you in to what lays directly in front. Slow down. You could very well be passing up opportunities that could benefit things. On the other side of the coin with the Moon’s influence, Libra can get a bit over zealous in providing too much information. Focus on striking an emotional balance. Look to those things that help you feel centered, or experiment with new ones. Go for walks in bucolic settings. Visit the beach, feel the sand under your feet, and watch the rhythmic surge of the waves. Meditate. Whatever brings you to your core, and makes you feel at peace. That can help you help strengthen solid relationships even more, and also help you process the issues that come up in others. 

Are there terms in this post that you're unfamiliar with? The following is a link to a great online astrology dictionary:

The following excerpt is from the Farmer's Almanac:

  • Full Pink Moon ~ April: This name came from the herb moss pink, or wild grown phlox, which is one of the earliest widespread flowers of the spring. Other names for this month's celestial body include the Full Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, and among coastal tribes the Full Fish Moon, because this was the time that the shad swam upstream to spawn.